Release date: June 28, 2024


Android Mobile Messaging SDK version 5.22.0 release includes new features, enhancements and bug fixes.

Environment requirements

The Android Mobile Messaging SDK version 5.22.0 uses:

  • Minimum API version 21
  • Compile API version 34
  • Target API version 34
  • Maps SDK ""
  • Structured Content Library “”
  • Date Picker Library “”
  • Appointment List Library ""

New features

  • Provided API calls to send text messages and initiate file sharing flow. Visit this page to get more information. An example of usage could be found here.
  • Provided an API to change read only mode without re-launching activity or fragment. Visit this page to get more information. An example of usage could be found here
  • Added ability to skip adding caption to attached file before sending it. Visit this link for more information.


  • Restricted http calls execution when link preview is disabled.

Bugs fixed

  • Fixed register/unregister pusher callback invocation.
  • Fixed sending of notification event when consumer chooses QR-option.
  • Fixed applying history control params for initial requests.
  • Added null check for ConversationFragment instance when new intent was received by ConversationActivity.
  • Fixed announcements of QR options.
  • Fixed SecurityException crash when user tries to send a chosen photo or file.
  • Internal bug fixes.