
Structured Data Entities (SDEs) are for brands to report/include business, user, and context data in campaigns when conversations are initiated. SDEs provide a valuable way for brands to include additional context information to the conversation when the conversation is initiated. This type of context can then allow brands to provide more personalized conversational journeys for consumers. This topic describes how to use SDEs with Conversation Orchestrator routing.

Some SDEs are directly available in the dynamic routing interface and can be used to create policies, but for others LivePerson Functions need to be used.

Use of unauthenticated SDEs in Dynamic Routing requires the account to be using CCS v2. If your account hasn't been migrated to CCS v2, contact your LivePerson account executive.

Create policies using SDEs that are automatically available for routing

The following SDEs are already available in the dynamic routing interface and can be directly used for creating policies:

Authenticated SDEs

  • sde.visitorinfo.customerinfo.ctype
  • sde.visitorinfo.customerinfo.cstatus
  • sde.visitorinfo.customerinfo.balance
  • sde.visitorinfo.customerinfo.customerid
  • sde.visitorinfo.customerinfo.socialid
  • sde.visitorinfo.customerinfo.imei
  • sde.visitorinfo.customerinfo.username
  • sde.visitorinfo.customerinfo.companysize
  • sde.visitorinfo.customerinfo.companybranch
  • sde.visitorinfo.customerinfo.accountname
  • sde.visitorinfo.customerinfo.role
  • sde.visitorinfo.customerinfo.lastpaymentdate
  • sde.visitorinfo.customerinfo.registrationdate
  • sde.visitorinfo.customerinfo.loginstatus
  • sde.visitorinfo.personalinfo.age
  • sde.visitorinfo.personalinfo.gender
  • sde.visitorinfo.personalinfo.language

Note: Three of the SDEs are objects. Please use the appropriate SDE attribute names for these:

  • sde.visitorinfo.customerinfo.lastpaymentdate
  • sde.visitorinfo.customerinfo.lastpaymentdate.month
  • sde.visitorinfo.customerinfo.lastpaymentdate.year

  • sde.visitorinfo.customerinfo.registrationdate
  • sde.visitorinfo.customerinfo.registrationdate.month
  • sde.visitorinfo.customerinfo.registrationdate.year

  • sde.visitorinfo.customerinfo.age
  • sde.visitorinfo.customerinfo.age.age
  • sde.visitorinfo.customerinfo.age.month
  • sde.visitorinfo.customerinfo.age.year

Unauthenticated SDEs

To enable this feature, contact your LivePerson representative.

  • sde.ecomerceinfo.cartstatus.currency
  • sde.ecomerceinfo.cartstatus.numItems
  • sde.ecomerceinfo.cartstatus.products
  • sde.ecomerceinfo.purchase.currency
  • sde.ecomerceinfo.purchase.orderId
  • sde.ecomerceinfo.purchase.products
  • sde.ecomerceinfo.viewedproduct.currency
  • sde.ecomerceinfo.viewedproduct.products
  • sde.visitorinfo.marketingcampaignInfo.originatingChannel
  • sde.visitorinfo.marketingcampaignInfo.affiliate
  • sde.visitorinfo.marketingcampaignInfo.campaignId
  • sde.visitorjourney.lead.topic
  • sde.visitorjourney.lead.value
  • sde.visitorjourney.lead.currency
  • sde.visitorjourney.lead.leadId
  • sde.visitorjourney.serviceactivity.topic
  • sde.visitorjourney.serviceactivity.status
  • sde.visitorjourney.serviceactivity.category
  • sde.visitorjourney.serviceactivity.serviceId
  • sde.visitorjourney.searchcontent.keywords

To use the above SDEs for routing

Step 1: Enable SDEs for routing

  1. Open the menu on the left side of the page, and select Automate > Conversation Orchestrator to open Conversation Orchestrator in a separate tab.
  2. Under Conversation Context Service, click Structured Data Entities.
  3. Scroll down to Enable Context Service to store SDE values, and turn on the enabled setting for the type of SDEs you want to use: Authenticated and/or Unauthenticated. The enabled setting turned on for both authenticated and unauthenticated SDEs

Step 2: Create a policy

  1. In Conversation Orchestrator, navigate to Intent and Context Policies.
  2. Click Add Policy to create a new routing policy.
  3. Name the policy.
  4. Under Conditions, select any of the available SDE attributes.

    Example: sde.visitorinfo.customerinfo.companybranch Selecting an attribute for a new condition in a new policy

  5. Select an operator from the available list of operators.

    Example: “=” (EQUALS)

  6. Select the data type.

    Example: string

  7. In the Enter a value field, enter a value, for example, “Sales Branch.” This should be the same as the value of the SDE you will be sending through the messaging client.
  8. In Actions, select “Transfer to Skill.”
  9. Select the skill you want to route to.
  10. Save your policy.
  11. Enable the policy for it to start routing.

Create policies using SDEs that are not automatically available for routing

High-level process

  1. Write a function to retrieve the SDE and add it to the Conversation Context Service.
  2. Make the SDE available in the dynamic routing interface.
  3. Create the policy.

This method might have performance issues. Please contact your LivePerson account executive if you want to route based on unauthenticated SDEs.

Detailed process

Step 1: Create a function to pull the SDE to the Conversation Context Service

  1. In Conversational Cloud, open the menu on the left side of the page, and select Automate > Functions to open LivePerson Functions in a separate tab.
  2. Click Create a function. The Create a function button
  3. In the Select an event to see its available responses dropdown, select “No Event.”
  4. In the Select a template to start your implementation dropdown, select “Greeting Template.”
  5. Click Continue.
  6. Do not whitelist any additional URLs; click Continue.
  7. Add a name and description to your Lambda, and save.

    Example Name: Set_SDE_StoreNumber_for_Dynamic_Routing

    Example Description: Sets authenticated SDE StoreNumber in Conversation Context Service for routing

  8. Click Create function.
  9. In the editor, delete any existing code, and add the code in the snippet below.

This method might have performance issues. Please contact your LivePerson account executive if you want to route based on unauthenticated SDEs.

// import FaaS Toolbelt
const { Toolbelt, ConversationContentTypes } = require('lp-faas-toolbelt');

// Create SDE/Conversation-Util instance
const conversationUtil = Toolbelt.ConversationUtil();
const sdeUtil = Toolbelt.SDEUtil();

const sdeType = 'customerInfo';
const sdeKey = 'storeNumber';

async function getAuthCustomerInfo(conversationId) {
  // Parameters for authSDEs
  const contentToRetrieve = [

  // Get Conversation and extract SDEs
  let conversation;
  for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    try {
    conversation = await conversationUtil.getConversationById(
    } catch(e) {
      console.error(`attempt ${i + 1} to conversationUtil failed`);
      if (i >= 2) {
        return undefined;
  // sde interface
  let sdes;
  for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    try {
      sdes = sdeUtil.getSDEsFromConv(conversation);
    } catch(e) {
      console.error(`attempt ${i + 1} to sdeUtil failed`);
      if (i >= 2) {
        return undefined;

  // Get certain type of array
  return => item.hasOwnProperty(sdeType));

async function getUnAuthCustomerInfo(conversationId) {
  // Parameters for unAuthSDEs
  const contentToRetrieve = [

  // Get Conversation and extract SDEs
  let conversation;
  for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    try {
    conversation = await conversationUtil.getConversationById(
    } catch(e) {
      console.error(`attempt ${i + 1} to conversationUtil failed`);
      if (i >= 2) {
        return undefined;
  // sde interface
  let sdes;
  for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    try {
      sdes = sdeUtil.getSDEsFromConv(conversation);
    } catch(e) {
      console.error(`attempt ${i + 1} to sdeUtil failed`);
      if (i >= 2) {
        return undefined;

  // Get certain type of array
  return => item.hasOwnProperty(sdeType));

async function getSdeValue(arrayOfCustomerInfo) {
  const sortedDescendingArrayOfCustomerInfo = arrayOfCustomerInfo.sort((a, b) => b.customerInfo.originalTimeStamp - a.customerInfo.originalTimeStamp);

  if (sortedDescendingArrayOfCustomerInfo
      && sortedDescendingArrayOfCustomerInfo[0]
      && sortedDescendingArrayOfCustomerInfo[0][sdeType]
      && sortedDescendingArrayOfCustomerInfo[0][sdeType][sdeType]
      && sortedDescendingArrayOfCustomerInfo[0][sdeType][sdeType][sdeKey]
      && sortedDescendingArrayOfCustomerInfo[0][sdeType][sdeType][sdeKey].length) {
      return sortedDescendingArrayOfCustomerInfo[0][sdeType][sdeType][sdeKey];
  return '';

async function lambda(input, callback) {
  const conversationId = input.payload;
  try {
      // You can select and use one of the following two functions depending on your purpose.
      // * getAuthCustomerInfo : Reads data from auth SDE
      // * getUnAuthCustomerInfo : Reads data from unAuth SDE
      const arrayOfCustomerInfo = await getAuthCustomerInfo(conversationId);
      if (!arrayOfCustomerInfo) {
        throw new Error('Failed to fetch sde data');
      const sdeVal = await getSdeValue(arrayOfCustomerInfo);`Fetched following SDE ${sdeVal} for ${conversationId}`);
      callback(null, sdeVal);
  } catch (e) {
      console.error(`Received ${e.message} during obtaining SDE's for ${conversationId}`);
      callback(e, null);

Save the changes. Then, in the Actions column, deploy the function.

Step 2: Create the Conversation Context Service attribute in the Dynamic Routing interface

  1. In Conversational Cloud, open the menu on the left side of the page, and select Automate > Conversation Orchestrator to open Conversation Orchestrator in a separate tab.
  2. Under Conversation Context Service, navigate to the Custom option.
  3. Select Add New to create a new custom context attribute.
  4. Name the attribute “storeNumber.”
  5. Under Type, select "Function."
  6. In the Function dropdown, select the Lambda name that you created in the previous step.
  7. In the parameters dropdown, select “attribute.”
  8. In Choose an Attribute, select “conversation.conversationId.”
  9. Save the custom attribute.

Step 3: Create the routing policy

  1. In Conversation Orchestrator, navigate to Intent and Context Policies.
  2. Click Add Policy to create a new routing policy.
  3. Name the policy.
  4. Under Conditions, select the “custom.storeNumber” attribute you created in the previous step.
  5. Add the operator “=” (EQUALS).
  6. Select the data type.

    Example: string

  7. In the Enter a value field, enter a value, for example, “12131.” This should be the same as the value of the SDE you will be sending through the messaging client.
  8. In Actions, select “Transfer to Skill.”
  9. Select the skill you want to route to.
  10. Save your policy.
  11. Enable the policy for it to start routing.